External Trade (Restricted Imports) (Amendment) Order - Statutory Instrument No.118 of 2012
- Notifying member
- Saint Lucia
- Title
- External Trade (Restricted Imports) (Amendment) Order - Statutory Instrument No.118 of 2012
- First published
- 28/09/2012
- First EIF
- 01/10/2012
- Latest published
- In force to
- Latest notification
- G/LIC/N/3/LCA/7
- Product categories
- List of products subject to licensing
- Nature of licensing
- Administrative purpose/measure being implemented
- Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications
- Contact point for information on eligibility
Same as the "Administrative bodies"
- Expected duration of licensing procedure
- Found by secretariat
- No
- Links
- Related document symbols
- G/LIC/N/2/LCA/1
- Source
- Notes
Previously notified in N1LCA1-4
Effective 1 May 2001, HS 34022040 liquid bleach is included in the Third Schedule to the External Trade (Restricted Imports) Order No. 31 of 1996, and will remain in effect until 30 November 2002.