Portaria Interministerial MF/MICT No.291 - Processing import operations within SISCOMEX

Notifying member
Portaria Interministerial MF/MICT No.291 - Processing import operations within SISCOMEX
First published
First EIF
Latest published
In force to
Latest notification
List of products subject to licensing
Nature of licensing



Administrative purpose/measure being implemented
  • Protect human, animal or plant life and health; protect environment
  • Collect trade statistics or market surveillance
  • Quota (including TRQ) administration
  • Regulate imports of arms, ammunition or fissionable materials and safeguard national security
  • Other
Decription of purpose/measure being implemented

The information obtained by SISCOMEX is used for statistic monitoring, follow-up of the trade flows related to drawback operations, which involve legal suspension of taxes or some products of interest to the Foreign Trade policy.

Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications
Department of Foreign Trade Operations (DECEX), Brazil’s Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX)
Praça Pio X, number 54, Rio de Janeiro, R.J., Brazil/Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco J, 8o andar- Brasília (DF), Brazil
Contact point for information on eligibility
Coordinator-General of Rules for Trade Facilitation and Foreign Trade Competitiveness, Department for Foreign Trade Competitiveness (DECOE), Brazil’s Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX)
Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX) EQN 102/103, Lote 1, Asa Norte CEP: 70722-400 Brasília, DF, Brasil
Expected duration of licensing procedure
There is no deadline for the duration of the adopted measures, considering the importance of the goals indicated.
Found by secretariat
Related document symbols
  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/1
  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/2
  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/2/Rev.1
  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/6
  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/7

All rules, as well as their updates and amendments, are available online at the SISCOMEX website.

  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/1

    Interministerial Order No. 291 of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, dated 12 November 1996
    lists the information to be provided by the importer using the Siscomex, including cases subject to licensing requirements.

  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/2 G/LIC/N/2/BRA/2/Rev.1

    Ministerial Act MF/MICT No 291 of 12 December 1996: lists the information that shall be provided by the importer who uses the SISCOMEX, including cases subject to requirements for licensing.

  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/6

    Portaria Interministerial MF/MICT nº 291, of 12 December 1996, on processing import operations within SISCOMEX.

    Depending on the product, the following governmental bodies may take part in the licensing procedures:

    ANCINE – National Cinema Agency; ANEEL – National Electric Energy Agency; ANP – National Petroleum Agency; ANVISA – National Health Surveillance Agency; CNEN – Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission; CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development; DFPC – Board of Controlled Products (Brazilian Army); DNPM – National Department of Mineral Production; DPF - Department of Federal Police; EBCT – Brazilian Mail and Telegraph Company; IBAMA – Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renewable Resources; INMETRO – National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality; MAPA – Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply; MCTI – Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; SUFRAMA – Manaus Free Trade Zone Superintendence.

    The lists of products subject to import licensing are available at SISCOMEX’s website http://www.portalsiscomex.gov.br/) and may be found as well on Brazil’s Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade website http://www.mdic.gov.br/sitio/.

    Whenever an import license is required, applications for both automatic and non-automatic import licensing are effected using Brazil’s Foreign Trade Integrated System (SISCOMEX). SISCOMEX is Brazil’s ongoing single window initiative, a work still in process, to which all other online and offline import-related procedures are converging.

    Non-automatic import licensing in Brazil is used to monitor products that may pose risks to human, animal, or plant health, or that may cause environmental damage. Weapons and other products that could be used for military purposes are also subject to non-automatic import licenses due to safety and security reasons. Non-automatic licenses are also used for products subject to quotas, in accordance with WTO agreements. The following operations are subject to non-automatic import licensing: imports processed under the Manaus Free Trade Zone and other free trade areas special regimes; imports subject to licensing by Brazil's National Council on Scientific and Technological Development; importation of used goods, subject to the exceptions set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 43 of Portaria SECEX No.23/2011; imports originated in countries with restrictions contained in Resolutions by the United Nations; importation of goods for replacement, as regulated by Portaria MF No.150, 26 July 1982; operations that may indicate fraud; goods subject to trade defense measures and goods identical to those subject to trade defense measures, when originated from producers or countries not subject to those measures.

  • G/LIC/N/2/BRA/7

    Portaria Interministerial MF/MICT No.291, of 12 December 1996, on processing import operations within SISCOMEX.