AGROCALIDAD Resolución No.491
- Notifying member
- Ecuador
- Title
- AGROCALIDAD Resolución No.491
- First published
- 13/07/2009
- First EIF
- 13/07/2009
- Latest published
- In force to
- Latest notification
- G/LIC/N/1/ECU/3
- Product categories
- List of products subject to licensing
- Attachment
- Nature of licensing
- Administrative purpose/measure being implemented
- Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications
- Contact point for information on eligibility
Same as the "Administrative bodies"
- Expected duration of licensing procedure
- Found by secretariat
- No
- Related document symbols
- Source
Registro Oficial No.632
- Notes
Modifica el Anexo I de la Resolución No.450, incorporando al "Registro Sanitario Unificado" emitido por el Instituto Nacional de Pesca (INP) como documento alternativo de control previo para productos de la actividad pesquera.
Documento alternativo: Registro Sanitario Unificado.
Instituciones que lo emiten: INP /MSP / AGROCALIDAD.