Free Import Order 5778-2018
- Notifying member
- Israel
- Title
- Free Import Order 5778-2018
- First published
- 26/06/2018
- First EIF
- 26/06/2018
- Latest published
- 12/07/2018
- In force to
- Latest notification
- G/LIC/N/3/ISR/7
- Product categories
- List of products subject to licensing
- Attachment
- Nature of licensing
- Administrative purpose/measure being implemented
- Protect human, animal or plant life and health; protect environment
- Pursue obligations under the UN Charter and other international treaties (i.e. CITES, Basel Convention, Rotterdam Convention, UNSC Resolutions etc.)
- Regulate imports of arms, ammunition or fissionable materials and safeguard national security
- Other
- Decription of purpose/measure being implemented
For food safety, public security, health and safety and consumer welfare reasons.
- Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications
- See list of Administrative Bodies in Annex to G/LIC/N/2/ISR/5
- Contact point for information on eligibility
- Import Policy, Ministry of Economy and Industry
- 5 Bank Israel St. Jerusalem 91036
- +972 74 7502417
- Expected duration of licensing procedure
- Depending on the product, licenses/approvals are issued free of charge by the following Ministries: Economy and Industry; Agriculture and Rural Development; Health; Transport and Road Safety; Environment protection; Energy; Defense and Public Security, within 1421 working days, but in most instances in less than seven days upon completion of all necessary documentation.
- Found by secretariat
- No
- Links
- Related document symbols
- G/LIC/N/2/ISR/4
- G/LIC/N/2/ISR/5
- Source
Reshumot – the Official Gazette, Subsidiary Legislation – Rates of Customs Duty, Purchase Tax and Mandatory Payments
- Notes
Previously notified in N1ISR4
"Free Import Order 2020-full" (5th amendment) incorporates all amendments.
Free Import Order 57742014, Free Import Order (1st Amendment) 5774 2014, Free Import Order (1st Amendment) 5775 2015, Free Import Order (2nd Amendment) 57752015, Free Import Order (1st Amendment) 57762016, Free Import Order (2nd Amendment) 57762016, Free Import Order (1st Amendment) 5777 2017 and Free Import Order (2nd Amendment) 5777 2017.
Free Import Order (1st Amendment) 5778-2018 came into force at the date of its publication (26 June 2018).
Free Import Order (2nd Amendment) 5778-2018 came into force at the date of its publication (12 July 2018).
Termination and Modification of specific details in existing procedures: Product coverage; Administrative body(ies) for submission of application; Administrative body(ies) to issue licence; Processing time for issuing licence; Licence fee/administrative charge: The changes made in Free Import Order changed some of the import licensing requirements in Annex 1 and Annex 2, in a way which changed the product coverage of the Order. An additional change increased the number of officers who are authorized to issue certain licenses and exemptions from receiving licenses.