Import Trade Control Order
- Notifying member
- Japan
- Title
- Import Trade Control Order
- First published
- 01/12/1949
- First EIF
- Latest published
- 01/01/1987
- In force to
- Latest notification
- G/LIC/N/3/JPN/22
- Product categories
- Marine products (Import Quota Items)
- Marine products (Import Approval Items)
- Medicines
- Propellant powders
- Nuclear goods
- Weapons
- Wild animals and plants
- Substances which deplete the ozone layer, specified hazardous wastes, wastes, chemical weapons goods (Import Quota Items)
- Substances which deplete the ozone layer, specified hazardous wastes, wastes, chemical weapons goods (Import Approval Items)
- Cultural property
- Rough diamonds
- Cultural property illegally removed from Iraq
- All of the goods from North Korea
- Weapons and other items from Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
- Charcoal from Somalia
- Chemical weapons and other items related to chemical weapons programme and cultural property illegally moved from the Syrian Arab Republic
- Mercury and mercury-added products
- Certain products originated in, or coming from, the Russian Federation (Import Prohibition based on Import Trade Control Order)
- List of products subject to licensing
- Attachment
- Import Trade Control Order_01.12.1949.pdf
- Nature of licensing
- Administrative purpose/measure being implemented
- Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications
- Contact point for information on eligibility
Same as the "Administrative bodies"
- Expected duration of licensing procedure
- Found by secretariat
- No
- Links
- Related document symbols
- Source
KAMPO Official Gazette; the Official Bulletin of Economy, Trade and Industry; International Trade Bulletin
- Notes
Article 3 & 4 - Marine Products (Import Quotas Items), Marine Products (Import Approval Items), Wild animals and plants, Medicines, Propellant powders, Nuclear goods, Weapons, Substances which deplete the ozone layer, specified hazardous wastes, wastes, chemical weapons goods (Import Quota Items), Substances which deplete the ozone layer, specified hazardous wastes, wastes, chemical weapons goods (Import Approval Items), Cultural property, Rough diamonds, Cultural property illegally removed from Iraq, All of the goods from North Korea, Weapons and other items from Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Charcoal from Somalia, Chemical weapons and other items related to chemical weapons programme and cultural property illegally moved from the Syrian Arab Republic, Mercury and mercury-added products, Certain products from the Russian Federation (Import Trade Control Order)
Article 4.1. (1) - Marine products (Import Quota Items), Substances which deplete the ozone layer, specified hazardous wastes, wastes, chemical weapons goods (Import Quota Items)
Article 4.1. (2) - Marine products (Import Approval Items), Medicines, Propellant powders, Nuclear goods, Weapons, Wild animals and plants, Substances which deplete the ozone layer, specified hazardous wastes, wastes, chemical weapons goods (Import Approval Items), Cultural property, Rough diamonds, Cultural property illegally removed from Iraq, All of the goods from North Korea, Weapons and other items from Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Charcoal from Somalia, Chemical weapons and other items related to chemical weapons programme and cultural property illegally moved from the Syrian Arab Republic, Mercury and mercury-added products, Certain products from the Russian Federation (Import Trade Control Order)
Article 9.1 - Marine products (Import Quota Items), Substances which deplete the ozone layer, specified hazardous wastes, wastes, chemical weapons goods (Import Quota Items)