
Written Questions and Replies
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- Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
- Presidential Decree No. 2342 dealing with Import and Export Licensing for Printed Books, Brochures, Leaflets and Other Printed Matter
- Procedure for the Management and Control of Precursors
- Law on Agriculture Pesticides
- Law on Mass Media
- Ministerial Act on Licensing, Producing, Importing and Exporting Optical Disks of 2012
- Procedure for the import and use of armoured vehicles, tools, equipment and modern technology which have military and security use
- Law for Regulating Telecommunication Services
- Law Against Intoxicating Drinks and Drugs as well as controlling them
- Ministerial Act on Import, Distribution and Show of Films and Monitoring of Cinema/other Cassettes and Discs
Product categories
No product categories recorded