
Written Questions and Replies
Notification updates
- G/LIC/N/3/GEO/9 (28 Jan 2022)
- G/LIC/N/3/GEO/8 (13 Nov 2018)
- G/LIC/N/3/GEO/7 (26 Oct 2017)
- G/LIC/N/3/GEO/6 (13 Apr 2017)
- G/LIC/N/3/GEO/5 (01 Nov 2013)
- Law on "Licenses and Permits"
- Law on the Georgian "Red List" and "Red Data Book"
- Government Decree No.272 amending Decree No.266
- Government Decree No.266 establishing the list of substances subject to import permit and relevant accounting form
- Ordinance No.394 on "Approval of Lists of Military and Dual Use Items"
- Ordinance No.372 on "Determination of Control measures for Military and Dual Use Items"
- Law on "Control of Military and Dual Use Items"
- Law "On nuclear and Radiation Safety"
- Resolution No.426 on "Approval of Rules and Conditions for Issuing Permits and Forms Thereof by Legal Entity of Public Law - Revenue Service"
- Government Decree No.184
Product categories
- Civilian weapons and military goods
- Dual-use goods
- Electronic communications interception systems
- Endangered species
- Firearms and ammunition
- Non-iodized salt
- Nuclear and radioactive materials
- Ozone depleting substances
- Pharmaceutical products
- Phytosanitary and veterinary products