
Written Questions and Replies
Notification updates
- G/LIC/N/1/KEN/1 (09 May 2003)
- G/LIC/N/3/KEN/2/Add.1 (09 May 2003)
- G/LIC/N/3/KEN/2 (18 Dec 2002)
- G/LIC/N/3/KEN/1 (10 Nov 1997)
- Imports, Exports and Essential Supplies (Imports) (Amendment) Order 1993
- Imports, Exports and Essential Supplies (Export) (Amendment) (No.2) Order, 1994
- Customs and Excise Act
- Registrar of Business Names Act Cap. 499
- Partnership Act Cap. 29/30 (Unlimited Partnership Cap. 29 Partnership Cap. 30)
- Company Act Cap. 486.
- Trade Licensing Act Cap. 497