Kyrgyz Republic

Written Questions and Replies
Notification updates
- G/LIC/N/2/KGZ/1 (06 Apr 2023)
- G/LIC/N/2/KGZ/2 (06 Apr 2023)
- G/LIC/N/2/KGZ/3 (06 Apr 2023)
- G/LIC/N/2/KGZ/4 (06 Apr 2023)
- G/LIC/N/2/KGZ/5 (06 Apr 2023)
- Decision of the Collegium of the Eurasian Economic Union No.127
- Agreement on Movement of Ozone-depleting substances and products containing them and accounting for ozone-depleting substances in mutual trade of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union
- Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
- Agreement on Movement of Service and Civilian Weapons between the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union
- Decision No.92 of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated 4 April 2017
- Decision No.30 of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of 21 April 2015
- Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)
- Protocol on non-tariff measures concerning third countries to the Treaty on the EAEU
- Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No.195 on the licensing system in the Kyrgyz Republic
- Resolution No.594 on the approval of the regulation on state regulation of the import and export of ozone-depleting substances and products containing them
Product categories
- Certain types of agricultural products
- Encryption (cryptographic) means
- Gems
- Hazardous waste
- Human organs and tissues, blood and its components, samples of human biological materials
- Medicines
- Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors
- Ozone depleting substances
- Plant protection products and other persistent organic pollutants to be used in laboratory-scale research and as a reference standard
- Plant protection products (pesticides)