
Written Questions and Replies
Notification updates
- G/LIC/N/3/LSO/2 (12 Nov 2010)
- G/LIC/N/3/LSO/1 (30 Apr 2008)
- Import Restrictions (Amendment) Regulation 2009
- Accommodation, Catering and Tourism Enterprise Act
- Export and Import Control Act Amendment 1996
- Agricultural Marketing (Distribution of Dairy Products) Regulations 1993
- Agricultural Marketing (Distribution of Dairy Products) Regulations 1992
- Exchange Control Regulations
- Export and Import Control Act of 1984
- The Precious Stone order
- Agricultural Marketing Act 1967
- Agricultural Marketing Import Control Regulations Legal Notice No.15/1969 for poultry and eggs
Product categories
- Alcoholic beverages
- Bank notes, gold securities or foreign currency
- Clothing, tyres, vehicles, raw materials for footwear and textiles
- Livestock and livestock products, pullets and one day old chickens, bees
- Milk and other dairy products
- Petroleum fuel
- Precious stones, cores and samples of precious stones
- Sugar, bread, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, pulses, red meat, poultry, eggs, wool and mohair