
Historical EU Member Profile. Please refer to European Union for the updated version.
Written Questions and Replies
Notification updates
- G/LIC/N/3/LTU/1 (13 Mar 2003)
- Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
- Law on the Control of Arms and Ammunition
- Government Resolution No.1390 “On Amendment of Government Resolution No.1321 “On Approval of Lists of Controlled Strategic Goods and Technologies” of 28 November 1997”
- Law on Seed Cultivation
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture No.66 “On the Procedure for the Recognition of Documents Certifying that Breeding Material is Purebred”
- Government Resolution No.264 “On Sugar Regime”
- Government Resolution No.1492 “On Licensing of Import, Export, Wholesale and Retail Trade of the Petroleum Products in Bulk”
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture No.364 “Regarding Feedingstuff Quality State Monitoring Procedure”
- Order of the Minister of Environment No.351 “On the Procedure for Issuing Permits to Import into and Export from the Republic of Lithuania of Dangerous Chemical Substances”
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture No.209 “Rules on Entering Feedingstuff into the Market”