Slovak Republic

Historical EU Member Profile. Please refer to European Union for the updated version.
Written Questions and Replies
Notification updates
- G/LIC/N/3/SVK/1 (20 Sep 2002)
- Decree of the Ministry of Economy No.576/2001
- Decree of the Ministry of Economy No.15/1998 Coll. "On Conditions of the Issuance of an Official Licence for the Export and Import of Goods and Services" as amended
Product categories
- Agricultural and food products, tobacco, raw materials, oil, gas and electrical energy, chemical industry products, wood, textiles, footwear, ceramics, metals
- Poisons, narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors and additional chemicals, radioactive substances, ozone depleting substances and worn textile products
- Water, beer, coal, oil and natural gas
- Weapons, ammunition, explosives, arms and security equipment