Administrative Regulation No.28/2003 Foreign Trade Operations
- Notifying member
- Macao, China
- Title
- Administrative Regulation No.28/2003 Foreign Trade Operations
- First published
- 15/09/2003
- First EIF
- 22/09/2003
- Latest published
- 31/12/2021
- In force to
- Latest notification
- G/LIC/N/3/MAC/26
- Product categories
- Live animals, meat, animal products, fish, crustaceans and molluscs, vegetables, live plants, seeds, mushroom spawn and animal or vegetable fertilisers
- Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, pharmaceutical products and medicines
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and petroleum products, optical disc manufacturing equipment and raw materials
- Vehicles
- Telecommunication and radio-communication apparatus
- Arms and ammunition, and explosives
- Dangerous Substances of Class 7 (Radioactive Substances) and Ionizing Radiation Generators
- List of products subject to licensing
- Attachment
- Regulamento Administrativo No.28_2003 - Regulamento das Operações de Comércio Externo_14.08.2003.pdf Regulamento Administrativo No.19_2016 - Alteração ao Regulamento Administrativo No.28_2003_18.07.2016.pdf Regulamento Administrativo No.35_2021 - Organização e funcionamento do Instituto para a Supervisão e Administração Farmacêutica_31.12.2021.pdf
- Nature of licensing
- Administrative purpose/measure being implemented
- Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications
- Macao Economic Services
- Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1-3, 6/F, Macao
- Contact point for information on eligibility
Same as the "Administrative bodies"
- Expected duration of licensing procedure
- Found by secretariat
- No
- Links
- Related document symbols
- G/LIC/N/2/MAC/5
- Source
Official Bulletin of Macao Special Administrative Region No.37
- Notes
In Chinese and Portuguese
Amended by Administrative Regulation No.35/2021 and Administrative Regulation No.45/2022
Article 11 - Eligibility of importers
Administrative Regulation No. 28/2003 of 14 August 2003 and Executive Decision No. 225/2003 of 19 September 2003, in Chinese and Portuguese languages.
The first new legislation supplements the general principles of Law No. 7/2003, of 5 June 2003, on external trade with regard to the entry, departure and in passing of goods and products into, from and by the Macao SAR.
The second new legislation contains three annexes that list goods for personal use that are not subject to licence provision of Law No. 7/2003, goods that are subject to import and export licence provisions of Law No. 7/2003, and goods that are subject to sanitary and phytosanitary control.
Administrative Regulation No.19/2016 Amends foreign trade operations
The Administrative Regulation No. 19/2016 amends the foreign trade operations. A post-customs clearance declaration procedure is introduced and the import licensing competence for motor vehicles has been transferred from Macao Economic Services to Transport Bureau.
The Administrative Regulation no. 19/2016 of 18 July 2016 (amends the Administrative Regulation no. 28/2003 of 15 September 2003) on foreign trade operations entered into force on 4 August 2016.
Administrative Regulation No.35/2021 Organization and functioning of the Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau
Modification of specific details in existing procedures: Product coverage; Administrative body(ies) for submission of application; Documentation requirements (including application form); Administrative body(ies) to issue licence:
According to Administrative Regulation No. 28/2003 as revised by Administrative Regulation No. 19/2016 and Administrative Regulation No. 35/2021, the authority to issue import licenses for goods listed in group B1 of Table B is vested in the Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau.