Prohibited goods
- Document symbol
- G/LIC/N/3/MKD/7
- Original language
- English
- Published on
- 06/03/2018
Outline of Systems
Q1. Give a brief description of each licensing system as a whole and, with respect to each, reply to the following questions as relevant, placing all of the material with respect to a given system in sequence together, and using cross references as appropriate when elements which have already been described are also present in another system.
Import licensing system is regulated by the Decision on Classification of Goods into Forms of Export and Import establishing the list of goods subject to import and export licensing. Pursuant to Article 34 paragraph 2 of the Law on Trade, the Decision has been adopted by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia at the session held on 26 February 2012 and is published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No.42/2013. The rules concerning the procedure for submission of applications, the competent authorities for issuing of import licences and the list of products subject to licensing requirements are stipulated in the Decision.
MK version of the Decision can be found on the following link:
Purposes and Coverage of Licensing
Q2. Identify each licensing system maintained and state what products, appropriately grouped, are covered.
Prohibited goods.
See Product coverage.
Imports of products stipulated in the Decision are subject to non-automatic licensing. The competent authorities for submission of applications and for delivering import licenses are designated in Article 2 of the Decision. A complete list of products subject to import licensing procedures is given in Annexes 1-9 of the Decision.